New video from the latest SCHMID BRÄMSWIG QUARTET concert in Mainz featuring David Helm on bass and Fabian Arends on drums.
SUBWAY JAZZ ORCHESTRA // feat. Helge Sunde (NOR)
For the last two concerts this year with the Subway Jazz Orchestra we managed to invite the Norwegian composer and trombonist Helge Sunde. We had a great time playing his fabulous arrangements and enjoyed his great sense of humor and absolute musical mastery!
Here's what Olaf Weiden from 'Kölner Rundschau' thought about our concert:
Shannon Barnett Quartet - AUSTRALIA Tour
Right after two weeks in China with the WDR Big Band I played eight wonderful concerts in Australia with the Shannon Barnett Quartet. We traveled to Melbourne, Wangaratta, Adelaide, Brisbane, Wollongong and Sydney and had an amazing time on and also off the stage. Thanks to Shannon and also to the 'Goethe Institute' and the 'Australian Council of the Arts' for making this happen.
WDR Big Band - state of the art - CHINA Tour feat. Vince Mendoza
The WDR Big Band China tour was absolutely amazing. We played in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Zongshan, met wonderful people and enjoyed Chinese culture and food in various ways. Truly a great experience. Maybe you can get a glimpse by watching the beautiful trailer Mattis Cederberg put together.
New Video | Schmid Brämswig Quartet | live in Mannheim
Here's a short clip from our latest concert at 'Klapsmühl' in Mannheim. The tune is 'Evanescence' by Philipp and is also available on our current release ANIMA. More info here.
Line Up by Lennie Tristano - Solo Transcription
Over the last months I have been working on a famous solo by Lennie Tristano. The tune is called "Line Up" and is based on the chord progression of the Jazz standard "All of Me". Most notably, the recording is originally overdubbed on a bass and drums track, but also allegedly recorded at half speed an octave below and then sped up for the final recording. The timbre of the piano and the abundance of micro-accents within lines at the speed of the recording are obvious traces of this process.
I found it to be a compelling task to record the solo in the original tempo on tenor sax. It forced me e.g. to use circular breathing within the lines and to find alternate fingering combinations for difficult parts. I decided to retain the result of this eternal practice process in a video. Here it is:
ANIMA Interview - Jazzpodium
The German Jazz Magazine "Jazzpodium" published a nice article about Philipp Brämswig and myself, our latest release ANIMA and our mutual development over the last years. Thanks to Dietrich Schlegel for the interview and the kind words. (click HERE to download article)
Shannon Barnett Quartet // past, present & future
One of the most exciting projects I have the honor being part of is the fantastic Shannon Barnett Quartet with Shannon on trombone, David Helm on bass and Fabian Arends on drums. Three months ago we played two beautiful gigs at the PENG Festival in Essen and the KLAPSMÜHL in Mannheim. The WAZ newspaper wrote these kind words about our concert in Essen:
"Geradezu genial die australische Posaunistin Shannon Barnett, jüngstes Mitglied der WDR Big Band, die in subtilen Dialogen mit dem beeindruckenden Saxophonisten Stefan Karl Schmid den Modern Jazz neu definierte - große Kunst und die Entdeckung eines Festivals, das man schon jetzt nicht mehr missen möchte."
Now Shannon released a little EP on Bandcamp from a concert we did last year at the Loft in Cologne. Not only the cover art is worth having a look, also the music sounds very good. It can be examined/ purchased/ consumed HERE.
From the past through the present to the future: We are doing a 2 week Australia tour in October this year and afterwards we will record our first CD. I'm very much looking forward to this!
Subway Jazz Orchestra - PRIMAL SCREAM
A few days ago the SUBWAY JAZZ ORCHESTRA released its debut album PRIMAL SCREAM on FLOAT MUSIC. It features 8 compositions by the 4 orchestra arrangers Johannes Ludwig, Jens Böckamp, Tobias Wember and myself. Everybody involved put a lot of effort in the working process and we are very pleased how it all came out. Thanks to the beautiful acoustics of the Kammermusiksaal at Deutschlandfunk, the masterful work of sound engineer Christian Heck and the great orchestra performance the CD is really audiolicious. More Info here.
Artwork by Nadine Targiel
New ANIMA review
Here's a nice review by Hans-Jürgen von Osterhausen from the german magazine Jazzpodium (11/2015).